In view of a coming Christmas season, generic shop I would like to give you some practical suggestions over the weeks leading to December 25th. This can be a really special time for your children, search and it will help them keep Christmas in perspective.
Wrap a large box with Christmas paper so that the lid is separate from the bottom. Gather 24 visuals and write out the tags that go inside each gift. Each gift is an object lesson with a visual aid, unhealthy a Scripture passage and a discussion question. Open one gift a day
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December 1: Open the large box containing the other 24 gifts and read the enclosed tag to the entire family: “Today we are starting a Christmas project. We will open a different present for the next 24 days to remind us of God’s most precious gift–His Son Jesus.” Read John 3:16 and ask who among you has received this gift of Jesus into their lives.
December 2: Food–“Does food always stay the same even after a long time? No, it changes when it gets old, doesn’t it?” The Lord Jesus never does, though. He is always the same. Hebrews 13:8 support this concept. Why is it important for the Lord Jesus never to change?
December 3: Heart-shaped object–“Hearts remind us of love. We love others, but God loves us even more.” I Corinthians 13:4-7 is read. “How many things about love can we find in these verses?”
December 4: Piece of soap–talk about the Lord washing His disciples’ feet. Read John 13:5-17, which stresses that the disciples were to serve others. “How can each of us be a servant to others?”
December 5: Piece of bread for each person–While eating, read Matthew 4:1-11. “When we are tempted, how can we resist it as the Lord Jesus did?”
December 6: A small candle–Light it. “A candle gives light. In Matthew 5:14-16 we see that Jesus told His followers not to hide their light. What did He
December 7: Small Christmas-wrapped Bible–Written on tag: “God gives us His words in the Bible.” Read 2 Timothy 3:16,17. “How does the Bible help us to live like Christians?”
December 8: Rubber band–“See this rubber band? When we twist and stretch it, it becomes tight. That’s a good example of how we feel inside when we worry. If we don’t twist it, it is soft and relaxed. That is how God wants us to relax in Him. What do we need to do so that we can trust God and relax inside?” Read Philippians 4:6,7.
December 9: Blank piece of paper with the word “sin” partially erased–“When you make a mistake writing, you erase it. When you do or think something wrong, it’s called “sin.” But you can ask the Lord Jesus to forgive you and He will forget all about it.” Read Ephesians 4:32 and I John 1:9.
December 10: Empty package–Read John 20:1-9. “Were you surprised to find this present empty? So was Peter when he went into Jesus’ tomb and found it empty. But He was born to die for our sins and be resurrected from the dead. What does ‘resurrected’ mean? Since the Lord Jesus is alive, how does that affect our lives?”
December 11: Cotton ball with perfume on it–Read, “This smells good, doesn’t it? What the Lord did for us by dying for our sins smelled good to God. That’s what Ephesians 5:2 says. What nice thing have each of us done lately that smells good to God?”
December 12: Happy face sticker–“Is there something you can do to make God happy? Colossians 3:20 talks about obedience. How can each of us be obedient today
December 13: Tiny globe–“God made the earth and everything in it, and that includes you.” Read Genesis 1:1 and Psalm 139:13-16. “Did you know that you are special to God?”
December 14: Small battery–Read, “A battery gives a flashlight the power to make light. And the Holy Spirit enables us to let the Lord Jesus live out His life in us.”
December 15: A penny for each person–Read, “God gives us everything we have and wants us to offer a part of it back to Him.” 2 Corinthians 9:7. “How does God want us to respond when we give to him?”
December 16: A plastic lid–Read, “We use a lid or seal to hold something inside a container.” Read Ephesians 1:13. “Who does God use to seal our salvation in us?”
December 17: A plastic toy sheep–Read, “Sheep follow their shepherd’s voice just as we should listen to our Shepherd’s voice.” Read John 10:4,5. “What things does He tell us to do?”
December 18: Piece of modeling clay–Read Romans 12:1,2 to stress Christ’s molding us into His image.
December 19: A pair of scissors–Read James 1:12. Create paper crowns.
December 20: A match–Use to burn something worthless. Read I Corinthians 3:10-15.
December 21: An angel doll–Read I Thessalonians 4:16. Talk about Christ’s second coming.
December 22: A toy boat–Lead into a discussion about being afraid. Read Mark 4:35-41.
December 23: Tiny piece of concrete–Explain that Christ is the cornerstone. Read Luke 6:47-49.
December 24: A picture of a friend–Emphasize who our neighbor is and how we are to love him. Read Galatians 5:14.
December 25: Photographs of the children when they were babies–“You used to be a baby, didn’t you? So was Jesus, but He grew up–just as you are doing. He had to become a full-grown Man so He could be our Savior.” Read the Christmas account in Luke 2:1-20.