The Problem
This month (February, usa drugstore 2010) I decided to write my parents at Heritage Christian Schools about the importance of encouraging and affirming their children. I wanted to express how vital it is that they do all they can to lift the spirits of their children and young people in this day and age.
In the midst of a generation where criticism is at its height, children and young people need to regularly hear words of affirmation in the home (Ephesians 4:29). They not only need to know who they are in the sight of God, they need to know who they are in the sight of their own Christian parents.
Jesus is the greatest example of affirmation. He continually praised His disciples in His teaching and in His one-on-one relationships. He gave them many wonderful “You are…” phrases to live on. Here are some of these phrases: “You are my friends” (John 15:14); “You are the salt of the earth” (Matthew 5:13); “You are the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14); “You are the good soil” (Matthew 13:23); and “You are fishers of men.” (Mark 1:17).
To affirm you children you can start with, “You are…”
Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear
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. Ephesians 4:29
Teachable Moment
Look for opportunities to praise your children. The grocery store is a great place to begin. Remember, Jesus did not hesitate to use his own surroundings to say affirming things to His disciples. Salt for example was an essential preservative in His day. Jesus honored His disciples by telling them that they were indispensable in preserving His message of salvation and grace.
Here are some grocery store ideas for affirmation:
- Band aids – You always say things that make us feel better.
- Candles – You are a light in our home.
- Crush soft drink – In a crush, I can depend on you.
- Dog bones – No bones about it you’re the best.
- Energizer battery – Thanks, you keep us all going.
- Equal artificial sweetener – When it comes to reaching out to us, there is no equal.
- Kool-Aid – You’re a cool aid.
- Lifesaver candies – You are always a lifesaver when we are in trouble.
- Light bulbs – You always have bright ideas.
- Pretzels – We’d be in knots without you.
- Whopper candies – You are a whopper of a kid.
- Zest soap – You add zest to our family.