According to another of Jesus’ teachings on the end times, tadalafil Christians will be rejected and persecuted more and more all over the world as the last days come about. Due to this increase of hatred toward Christians, best devoted believers who stand up for their faith and belief in the Scriptures as God’s word will be rejected, chased into hiding, beaten, and killed. Once again this will not likely happen in America because of the influence past generations of Christians have had on this country. However, this does not mean Christians in America will have it easy. The unbelieving leaders and majority of this nation will try and pressure them to abandon many parts of their faith, or change their overall views. If Christians resist, then some form of consequence will befall them. Sad to say, during this last era many self-proclaimed Christians will fall away from the faith and even enter into a battle with others to do the same.
Matthew 24: 4, 9, 10 4 And Jesus said to them, 9 Then they will deliver you to tribulation, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations because of My name. 10 “At that time many will fall away and will betray one another and hate one another
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