A couple of weeks ago (Early February 2018) an Israeli F-16 fighter jet was shot down by the Syrian military because it had targeted some Iranian sites located in that country. One of these sites was responsible for launching a drone into occupied Golan Heights in Israel. Myrna and I know about the Golan Heights, we hiked to the top of it 2 years ago. When we got to the top, we could look out over Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan and from this vantage point, we could actually see the city of Damascus only 25-30 miles away. No wonder Israel wanted to capture and keep this site so many years ago.
Events like this are always noteworthy in God’s timeline as He winds things down here on earth, but especially in Jerusalem, God’s city as described throughout the Bible.
As the US has stated, they will begin building their embassy in Jerusalem in about a year, which only adds to the drama surrounding this great and historic city. Myrna and I tried walking around Jerusalem, but it was too large. Modern-day Jerusalem is about 49 square miles and has a population of almost 900,000 people. It is the biggest city in Israel by far.
The Old City of Jerusalem is about 3 and ½ miles in circumference, which sits in an area no bigger than a place like Green Lake in the middle of Seattle. Look it up on a map sometime to give you a perspective of how small it is. Old Jerusalem will be the place where most of the end days prophesy will culminate. At its East Gate, Jesus will return to call an end to all of the world destruction going on at the time. It would be a great place to be when Christ returns, that is if you could survive the loss of life going on during that time in the city.
In the coming weeks, I will write more about the what’s and how’s of Jerusalem, especially in view of a Jewish Temple that will be rebuilt on the old Temple Mount, which is a certainty according to the Scriptures
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. Until next week’s article here is a look at how this great city fell into Jewish hands after World War II.
Following the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, the Old City was captured by Jordan, and all its Jewish residents were evicted. During the Six-Day War in 1967, which saw hand-to-hand fighting on the Temple Mount, Israeli forces captured the Old City along with the rest of East Jerusalem, subsequently annexing them as Israeli territory and reuniting them with the western part of the city. Today, the Israeli government controls the entire area, which it considers part of its national capital. However, the Jerusalem Law of 1980, which effectively annexed East Jerusalem to Israel, was declared null and void by United Nations Security Council Resolution 478. East Jerusalem is now regarded by the international community as part of occupied Palestinian territory.
Post note:
As you might have surmised, Israel usually does not abide by the United Nations when its resolutions put its people in a perceived risk or run counter to its will. And for the most part, with few exceptions, the US backs their play. This is probably just another part of God’s plan and design for the last days.