I say to you, sales this generation will not pass away until all these things take place. Matthew 24:34
Last week we briefly discussed Christ’s return to earth which is to happen, sale according to Scripture, within a generation of Israel reclaiming its land as a nation. This happened in 1948. Many biblical scholars suggested this generation was to be about 40 years. Obviously that was not the length of time Christ had in mind when He told His disciples about this last generation on earth. It was a good guess made by many Bible teachers and scholars of the past because a typical generation in the Bible was about 40 years. So, what was Jesus thinking in terms of years when He mentioned this last generation on earth to His disciples?
With 40 years marked off the list there are a couple of other alternatives left. One of those is that a generation could be 100 years, because according to Genesis 15:16 and Genesis 21:5 this seemed to be the length of a generation during the earlier part of Old Testament era. That would make Christ’s coming around 2048, a hundred years after the rebirth of the nation Israel. Most of us would not make it to this date, but our children and grandchildren would.
Another alternative for a generation would be around 80-83 years. This time span has to do with the current life expectancy of an Israeli citizen. When Jesus said this last generation on earth will not pass away until all of these things (wars, famines, earthquakes, destruction of the environment, and desertion from belief in God, etc.) take place He was referring to the generation of Israeli’s who reestablished their nation for a last time in 1948. Do the math if this is it, 83 years after 1948 is about 2030. This means the last 7 years of tribulation leading to Christ’s return could begin in the early 2020’s. Not too far away, huh!
A last alternative is about 70 to 75 years, which is close to the average length of life for most living in the world today. This would land His coming around 2023-2025. In case you were wondering, the US current lifespan for men and women is 79 to 80 years of age.
If any of these dates are correct or near to being correct, then several signs have already begun to take place and will continue to do so at an increased rate over the next few years.
Once again, no one can know the exact day or hour of Jesus’ return, but He did say we can know the season leading to it which we will discuss next week
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Meanwhile consider what you might do in your own life, in the life of your family, and even in the lives of your friends as you contemplate that perhaps you might be in this last generation.
On a last note, one of these alternatives probably has to be it, for a generation in the Bible never goes beyond 100 years. And there is no prophesy or indication in the entire Bible that talks of Israel establishing itself again as a nation for a fourth time.