Visual Aid
Basketball Team
The Idea
The body of Christ
The Scripture
Ephesians 4:4 “There is one body and one Spirit, online just as you were called in one hope of your calling.”
The goal of a basketball team is to get the ball into the basket. The basketball team must work together in order to win. The team has five players. Player #1 is the team captain or leader. He is in charge on the court. He handles the ball most of the game. He makes the decision on where to pass the ball. Players #2 and #3 can either shoot or pass. Players #4 and #5 are under the basket waiting for a ball to be passed or to get a rebound. The team coach is the person who makes all final decisions.
The body of Christ and the Church can be compared to a basketball team
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. The church has a Pastor who is like the captain of the basketball team. They are both teachers and are responsible for the people under them. The players on the team each have a certain job just like the members of the body of Christ have ministries. Some are nursery workers and others teach the children. If one person in the body does not do their part the body of Christ can fall apart. But thankfully God is the Coach and in control always.
Paul Tait