“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you” (James 1:5)
Should I attend a wedding where two gays or transgender people are getting married?
First of all, I would determine if the gays or transgender people are Christian or non-Christian. If a Christian couple, I would not attend because it supports a sin that is strongly condemned in the Bible and one of which they should be aware. To go, would validate them in their sinful choice.
If the marrying gay couple were non-Christian friends or non-believing relatives, then before I accepted their invitation, I would clarify to them what I Scripturally believed regarding their homosexuality or transgender state. If that were okay with them, then I would go to their wedding out of love. By loving them in this way, yet not accepting their sin, I could open up new doors down the road to talk with them about God and His teachings
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Should I hire a gay or transgender person?
If I owned a business, I would not hesitate to hire gays or those who have changed their gender, as long as they knew what I believed and why I believed it. Once again, this is an application of loving sinners, yet standing against their sinful lifestyles. I would treat them with as much love as possible as their employer, hoping that one day by doing this they would consider God and invite Christ into their lives.
Should I hire a gay or transgender person to work in a Christian school, Christian organization, or at Church?
I would not hire homosexuals or those who have changed their transgender, or anyone else committed to these kinds of sinful lifestyles to be part of my staff in a Christian ministry. The employees in all Christian ministries are to be examples of the Biblical truths taught to others. By a homosexual or transgender person’s admission, neither follows God’s truth in this area of their lives.
While the church should always be as diverse as possible and include people of all races, walks of life, professions, and economic status, it is not a free-for-all where the staff lives and believes how they want. The church, the true church that is, should expect all employees, and its leaders, in particular, to not only teach God’s truth to others but to live by those truths as well.
Should I invite a gay couple in my neighborhood over for dinner?
Yes, how else are you going to minister and get to know them?
Should I allow a gay couple to sleep in the same room at my home?
For both Christians and non-Christians, I would not allow them to sleep overnight in the same room at my home. For the Christian, this would be a rebuke of their sin. For the non-Christian, it would be a moral statement and stance to them that what they are doing is wrong according to the Scriptures I follow.
How should a youth director handle a retreat where gay or young people who have changed their gender, want to come? How could the facilities be arranged if they attend?
This is the most difficult question to answer because it involves parents, children, young people, church reputation, and Biblical truth.
Here are some of my thoughts:
If the retreat is with young children of elementary school or junior high age, I would not allow a gay or child who has changed their gender, to come. I wouldn’t because the Christian children under my care would not be mature enough to handle such a complicated and spiritual issue. In response, there might be parents who cry discrimination, but I would stick with my decision. As much as I would like to reach a gay or transgender child for the kingdom through a retreat, I wouldn’t, for the sake of other children’s welfare, faith, and future understanding of God’s Word.
If the young people under my supervision were in high school or older, I would consider letting a gay or transgender student come as long as the entire group knew the circumstances. The group would have to know what Scripture teaches and why, how to love a gay or transgender student, and how to lead him or her to Christ.
The general purpose of most Christian retreats is to help Christian young people grow and develop in their faith. In having a gay or transgender student at a retreat would certainly provide the opportunity for that to happen.
In this retreat situation, where they are welcomed, I would give the gay or transgender student their own time in the bathroom so the privacy of other kids would be honored and protected. The gay student would sleep in the cabin with the rest of his or her gender as long as a counselor was on site. The transgender student would need to bunk in the cabin of the gender with which they were born. There might be pushback from the parents on both sides on this, and if it could not be resolved without hurt or confusion, then I would cancel or postpone the retreat for another time.
Last Thought
Sad to say, it is we who make a mistake and bring confusion, conflict, and misunderstanding to our world when we mess around with God’s morality as taught and defined in the Scripture, especially when we try to change or alter His predetermined sexual design intended.