Visual Aid
The Idea
God is with you wherever you go.
The Scripture
Matthew 28:20 “… and lo, online I am with you always, shop even to the end of the age.”
In playing freeze tag you have to choose a person to be “it”. All the other people run around and the person who’s “it” tries to tag you. If you get tagged, you’re stuck in that place until another person comes and unfreezes you. If you get tagged three times then you’re “it”.
The spiritual lesson is that sometimes believers are not faithful to God, and they do not act faithful. These people might pretend they’re your friends but then they lead you into situations where you need Gods help. So you ask for His guidance and wisdom and He will send someone to come and help you out of that situation
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. If you keep falling in the unfaithful people’s traps, you too might become unfaithful to God.
Aubrey Nare