As the pregnant woman approaches the time to give birth, sale she writhes and cries out in her labor pains, Isaiah 26:17
In Matthew 24 it mentioned that the days before Christ returns to earth there would be an increase of wars, famines, and earthquakes. The increase would be gradual, but progressive and frequent, like the preceding birth pangs a woman experiences before giving birth. As the actual birth begins to happen those pangs come every few minutes.
Now there are many other signs the Scripture mentions that should also take place before Christ returns. One of the very first of these is the reestablishment of Israel as a nation. This first sign corresponds to a woman when she discovers that she is pregnant. After the doctors tell her, she knows that she then only has 9 months to prepare for the coming of her little baby
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. And so it is when Israel became a nation again for the third time in 1948. This event was not only orchestrated by God, but was intended to tell us that the birth of the return of Christ, that is the end of the world as we know it now, is coming soon.
How long before this happens? I don’t know, and neither does anyone else for sure. Not far off, though, I believe, just as 9 months is not that long for a woman. In the next article, we will look at some of those other signs that should precede Christ’s return.
By the way, when my wife, Myrna, first found out she was pregnant with our first child, Brodie, she couldn’t believe it. For years we had tried, and yet without success. But then one day I looked into her eyes and said, “You’re pregnant!” I could tell because her eyes sparkled as never before. She said, “Please don’t say that to me, you know how much I want this.” Later on that week Dr. Fullington told her, “You are indeed pregnant, prepare to be a mother.” And so it happened with Myrna, Brodie was born, and so it will also happen with the coming of Christ. Not too far off now! Get ready! Prepare yourself!