Islam Part 7

September 11th “Enter through the narrow gate; the way is narrow that leads to life” Matt. 7:13 In response to the September 11th terrorist attacks, tadalafil there was a barrage of media commentary trying to harmonize Christianity and Islam.   Several news commentators, discount stuff T.V.  shows, politicians, and liberal clergymen have gone to great links to…

Islam Part 6

Pastor Jones and the Burning of the Qur’an As many of you have read or seen on the T.V. these last couple of weeks, sale search  Pastor Terry Jones of Gainesville, generic Florida, whose church, The Dove World Outreach Center (DWOC) plan to burn several hundred copies of the Qur’an (Koran) on the anniversary of…

Islam Part 5

Loving Muslims A few months ago (March, discount pharmacy 2004), sales  several missionaries and pastors were murdered in Nigeria.   There was actually a reward offered for killing them by Islamic leaders.  This really affected me, because I spent time one summer in Nigeria discipling young pastors.   My experience with them helped me later write a book…

Islam Part 4

Confronting Islam “Better is open rebuke than love that is concealed.” (Proverbs 27:5) In our series on Islam the first article dealt with a comparison of Mohammad and Christ and the second article discussed praying for Muslims which is one of the keys to ministering to them the way Christ would have us.   Today’s article…

Islam Part 3

A Christian’s Prayer for Muslims In our first article on Islam we discussed the great differences between Christ and Mohammad.   The next three articles will deal with what Christians should do with Muslims There are really only three things we can do and that is to pray, rx confront, no rx and share out testimonies…

Islam Part 2

Mohammad Versus Christ “Enter through the narrow gate; the way is narrow that leads to life” Matt. 7:13 In respect to the current events surrounding the wars going on in Iraq and Afghanistan there has been a barrage of media commentary trying to harmonize Christianity and Islam.   Several news commentators, sale cheap T.V.  shows, buy rx…

Islam Part 1

Islam:  Like Father…Like Son “The apple does not fall far from the tree” “Like father like son” “Enter through the narrow gate; the way is narrow that leads to life.” Matt. 7:13 Pakistani Sunni Muslims rally to protest against the publication of cartoons in Karachi February 16, discount physician 2006. Tens of thousands of Pakistani Islamists…

Mormonism Part 5

Other Side of Heaven A Mormon Propaganda Movie I just attended a movie called the Other Side of Heaven.   If you are like me, discount healing you are always looking for any movie that may promise something redeeming.   The title of the movie attracted me at first, because it sounded very tame.   I was even impressed…

Mormonism Part 4

The Right Dollar Bill What Mormons mean when they use Bible terms and Christian language to portray their beliefs. One major difficulty talking with Mormons is that they speak a religious language that appears to be Christian in context, here but in actuality is not.     From the outset, store they purposely use the same biblical…