The Sword of the Spirit

“The sword of the Spirit is the Word of God” Ephesians 6: 17 In previous articles concerning the Holy Spirit’s role in your children’s life, order the Spirit’s ministry was essential in effecting God’s plan to disciple your sons and daughters and prepare them to reach the lost in the 21st Century.    Your children are quite unique…

Steak & Potatoes

The glory (all that God is, tadalafil has done, treatment and will do) experienced by God’s people in the Old Covenant was great, remedy but it was only the beginning (See Article 64).   By comparison, the glory experienced by God’s people in the New Covenant today is even greater.  In the Old Covenant, God’s people…

Old is Old

Old is not bad, buy generic it’s just old Every covenant has its purpose and can be utilized for parenting wisdom.  The New Covenant, buy however, is the standard that should dominate what you do with your children.   It is a covenant with incredible power; a God given arrangement your children will need to draw…

A Barbeque

The Spirit’s Ministry The Spirit’s function in the New Covenant is incredibly important; it changed everything after Jesus’ ascension to the Father (John 14:16-19).   It is a critical teaching that your children must comprehend in order to accomplish God’s will in their lives.  The Spirit’s role, best here though, search was never ordained to overshadow the…