Mormonism Part 5

Other Side of Heaven A Mormon Propaganda Movie I just attended a movie called the Other Side of Heaven.   If you are like me, discount healing you are always looking for any movie that may promise something redeeming.   The title of the movie attracted me at first, because it sounded very tame.   I was even impressed…

Mormonism Part 4

The Right Dollar Bill What Mormons mean when they use Bible terms and Christian language to portray their beliefs. One major difficulty talking with Mormons is that they speak a religious language that appears to be Christian in context, here but in actuality is not.     From the outset, store they purposely use the same biblical…

Mormonism Part 3

Who Was Joseph Smith? Who was Joseph Smith and what influenced him? He was born in Sharon, generic treatment Vermont, discount pharm on December 2, there 1805. Joseph Smith moved with his family to Palmyra, New York, in 1816, looking to improve their financial stability and living conditions.   They began their recovery by searching and seeking…

Mormonism Part 2

The Great Spiritual Salt Lake There are several major heresies in Mormonism, usa but the foremost concern is their teaching about the evolution of God. They teach the concept that as man is, tadalafil God once was, and as God is, man may become. From almost the very beginning of their movement, this heretical teaching developed…

Mormonism Part 1

Islamics of The West Introduction As you perhaps have observed my Teachable Moment Articles production have slowed down these past few months.   I am using my designated article writing time to compile a book of Teachable Moments.   The first half of the book, ask T-Moments, best will focus on the why of Teachable Moments, what…

Harry Potterism

Introduction Teaching your children how to grasp and apply the fruits of the Spirit (love, canada store patience, sale view kindness, treatment etc.) is key to their spiritual development.  But along with this instruction comes an equally important teaching on how to avoid the evil influences of the world.  Just as there are fruits of…

Jehovah’s Witnesses

Introduction A number of years ago I received a phone call from an elder in a Jehovah Witness church to come and preach.   The elder on the phone began his conversation with, treatment “Hello Brother McClain, how are you doing?    I am calling to confirm your preaching appointment next Sunday at our Kingdom Hall here…

Columbine Tragedy – Article 2

Guess our national leaders didn’t expect this, buy hmm? On Thursday, Darrell Scott, the father of Rachel Scott, a victim of the Columbine High School shootings in Littleton , Colorado , was invited to address the House Judiciary Committee’s subcommittee. What he said to our national leaders during this special session of Congress was painfully…