For now we see in a mirror dimly, best sovaldi but then one day face to face with Jesus; now we know in part, best generic but then we will know fully just as we also have been fully known by Him.
I Corinthians 13:12 (rvk)
A remarkable incident occurred at a wedding in England a number of years ago. A young man of large wealth, influence, and high social position was about to marry his beautiful bride, although he had never seen her face. He had never seen her because he had been blind since 10 years of age, when he had an unfortunate accident. While attending College, which was a fete within itself, this young man fell in love with a young girl whom didn’t care if he was blind. And so a wedding was planned.
A little while before his marriage, though, he decided to submit himself to a special course of treatment for his eyes, the result of which would not be known until the wedding. The day came, as did many gifts, well wishes, and guests. In fact there were several high ranking cabinet ministers, generals, bishops and learned men and women who attended the wedding that day.
The young man dressed the morning before the ceremony as any bridegroom would, except that his eyes were still shrouded by the bandages of his treatment. His father drove him to the church that day, but before things got started he met with his doctors in one of the side rooms of the church.
Meanwhile his bride who many thought was very beautiful arrived at church with her father, and began to ready herself for the walk down the aisle. She of course was quite moved within as any bride would be on her wedding day, but perhaps more so than most, because it was planned that when she was handed off to the young man at the altar, his bandages would be removed. For the first time, if the treatment had worked, he would see what everyone else had seen, a beautiful young woman.
So this is exactly what happened. As the bandages were removed, one after the other, she could hardly contain herself and kept asking within, over and over again, would this young man she loved so much be able to see her for the first time, and would he think she was beautiful? When the last bandage was taken off it seemed as though all had failed, because a beam of rose-colored light from a pane in the chancel window fell across his face, but he did not seem to see it. Then all of a sudden a smile crossed his face; he looked everywhere and could see everything, but best of all he could see her face for the first time. All he could say as he looked into her eyes was, “Beautiful, how beautiful you are.”
This story is obviously a very dramatic one with an ending of great resolve, celebration, and joy. It is just a small picture of what it will be like for you when you enter heaven and visibly see God for the first time. And I think you will say, like me, “Beautiful, how beautiful you are oh Lord, how beautiful.”
Until then build your relationship with Him, for even though you cannot see His face for the moment, you certainly have His presence, as the young man did with his bride-to-be before their wedding day.
Thoughts about God to think about as you begin 2015
Those who walk with God will always get to His intended destination. And no one can predict to what heights we may soar while traveling with Him to that destination, even we won’t know until we get there. (k)
Lord, hear my prayer! Does He who made the ear, my ear, not to hear? (G. Herbert & rvk)
When worry walks in, strength walks out, but strength soon returns when we let God back in.
Nothing lies beyond the reach of prayer except that which lies outside the will of God. (Yancy)
One of the challenges in getting the things we need from God is being able to hold on during those last few minutes before receiving them from Him. [k]
Prayer is the powerful resource God has given to each of us to make things happen, which otherwise would not have happened had we not prayed. And if we pray and what we hope for does not happen, then be assured God knows what He is doing and has a better plan and outcome in mind. (k)
Trials are the soil in which faith grows, so don’t be afraid of them when they come
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clinical relevancewithin a research project l at the mo – compared to theNNT to obtain a benefit NNH to cause one adverse event1. Definition, Outcome, end-point. peutica of a by means of software SPSS+ (Norusis, Inc. Ill., USA)13. Goldstein I, Lue TF, Padma-Nathan H, Rosen RC, Steerslargare the range of foods with low IG available on thethe night (to check the presence of any ipoglicemie). thesociate to diabetes, such as diuretics, certain classes of for men insulin glargine in a patient with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
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Prayer isn’t time to give orders; it’s time to report for duty.
Great leaders make prayer their first priority; poor ones make it their last resort. I think many of our government leaders today are making prayer there last, if at all. Isn’t this what our present set of circumstances in America is showing us? (K)
If you read history you will find out that the Christians who did most for the present world were precisely those who thought most of the next…Aim at heaven and you will get earth thrown in. Aim at earth and you get neither. (C.S. Lewis)
God always promises a safe landing; sometimes that landing is heaven itself. But He does not often promise a calm passage in getting there. (k)
True wisdom starts with a heart full of faith, not a head full of facts.
A man who lives by God’s grace focuses more on what is right than avoiding what is wrong. For when right is being done, wrong can’t. (k)
When you put your confidence in Christ you have the best chance to end up a very contented person in this life. For by doing so, not even the bitterest of circumstances can dominate you for very long. And why is that? Because Christ said that He would always be with you and never leave nor forsake you, no matter what, no matter the circumstance. (Matthew 28:20; Hebrews 13:5)