The Idea
God will help us in time of need.
The Scripture
“God is our refuge and strength. A very present help in trouble.” (Psalms 46:1)
The idea of Bowling is to roll a heavy ball down a bowling alley, levitra and try to knock down the pins. If you are beginning, troche you might roll the ball into the gutter. You have to get a strike or a spare. A strike mean that when you hit one of the front row pins, the rest of the pins fall down in one shot. A spare is when you roll the ball down the alley and you knock a few pins down. Then you roll the ball down the alley again and you hit the rest of the pins.
The spiritual aspect is that Jesus is the person that is bowling. The ball is you. The front pin symbolizes Satan, and the back pins are his helpers
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. The gutter is Hell. God will help you get past Satan. You have to ask God for help and be willing to get past Satan. You’ve got to knock down Satan and get him out of your life. Satan will try to pull you down to do the wrong thing, but you have to love god and ask him for help to get past Satan, and his helpers.
Ian Paul