Visual Aid
The Idea
Do not let obstacles get in your way of being a Christian.
The Scripture
Ephesians 6:10-11 “Finally, see be strong in the Lord, generic and in the strength of His might. Put on the full armor of God, that you might be able to stand firm against the schemes of the Devil.”
My game is track and field. I like the hurdles most of all. In the hurdles the hurdler has to start when he hears the starting gun. Then he has to jump over all the hurdles in his way
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. He also has to run as fast as he can without knocking over the hurdles. If he hits the hurdle, then he gets slowed down because of it. He finally reaches his goal, the finish line.
The hurdles and the hurdler are like Christians getting slowed down by obstacles. When a Christian first starts out being a Christian, it is like the hurdler starting the race. Then the Christian might get slowed down by obstacles like drugs and alcohol. Satan still might put other things that could make you sin. Satan is going to keep putting obstacles in your way to stop you. Btu if you keep getting through all these obstacles he puts in your way, you will finally reach your goal.
Brian Criscuolo