“I wait for the Lord, tadalafil ampoule my soul does wait, nurse and in His word do I hope.”
Psalm 130:5
It may seem difficult at times to wait for God to do something we feel needs to happen right away, but learning to wait is a battle posture all Christians must learn if we are going to experience real joy and win this world over to God’s kingdom.
Just as a soldier on a battlefield disciplines himself to wait for a commander’s orders to move forward, backward, or sideways, so it is with all who follow Christ; each of us must likewise wait on the Lord’s orders to move when He wants us to, and in the direction He wants us to go.
However, we regularly become too impatient in our waiting, and want to pre-empt God’s will, like soldiers on a battlefield who strike out on their own without permission to do so. Yet, moving on our own without other brothers and sisters in Christ to help can be disastrous. God wants each of us to fight for the hearts and minds of this world together, not alone. Needless to say, He will never forsake or leave us, even when we move out on our own. But He may let us get banged up a bit for doing so.
“…He Himself has said, “I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you…”
Hebrews 13:5
As you wait talk with the Lord and tell Him your need to know when the waiting will end. In your prayers, verbally call on Him; speak out loud if need be. Spread your case before God; tell Him you are anxious and can’t seemingly wait any longer. Be honest and even tell the Lord that you appear to be wasting His time and yours, just waiting around. He’ll respond; He always does. The problem is, He may say, “Sorry, you’ll need to wait a good deal longer. That’s just the way it is, as I simply know things about your situation you don’t; trust Me.”
In your waiting do it by faith. Express your confidence in Him. Tell the Lord and others who are watching that if God waits until one minute before midnight to do His next step in your life then so be it. Often God waits till the last minute to stretch your faith to the limit. This is perhaps why I have often called Him Last-Minute-Lord. At the last minute when all seems lost and hopeless, He steps in and changes everything. At least I have found this true in my life.
Finally, in your waiting do it with as much patience as possible. You may have to pray for His help in this, as it is one of the toughest qualities to attain in the Christian walk. Begin by refusing to gripe against what God is doing
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. Don’t be like the Israelites Moses led into the Wilderness who criticized him and God the whole way. They were never satisfied; they were always impatient no matter what God did, or when He did it. So don’t gripe and do the opposite, praise Him no matter what happens or doesn’t. If you can do this, you will not only enjoy your waiting on God, you will become a very patient follower of the Lord. He loves patient followers; He can do amazing things with them.
“Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him;
Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way”
Psalm 37:7