Sovereignty of God/Hope for a Young Person
“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, online for He who promised is faithful;” Heb. 10:23
For many summers our family vacationed in Lake Almanor, generic online California. We were fortunate to have generous parents who freely gave us the run of their cabin for two to three weeks at a time. The cabin sat on a lovely blue lake, and often at the end of the day we gathered as a family on the back porch at dinner time to eat and view a seemingly incomparable picturesque landscape. The porch view as we called it, kept our thirst for beauty quenched each evening. But then that view was greatly expanded one day when our family embarked on a parasailing adventure (boat pulling a parachutist). From the new vantage point of a parachute 600 feet in the air, the lake and the surrounding mountain range revealed beauty we had never seen before. We had no idea of the lake’s perspective 600 feet in the air.
There is a similar 600-foot point of view in the Bible. When Jesus chose Peter to be His disciple, this must have inwardly electrified Peter (Matt
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. 4:18-19). What could surpass such an honor? Yet from Jesus’ perspective it was just the beginning; it was only a “porch” perspective of what was ahead for Peter. Three and half years later (John 21:15), Jesus upon His earthly exit would thrust Peter 600 feet in the air by forgiving him for his lack of faith during the trial leading to His death , and in the same breath granting him the leadership responsibility of the early church.
Jesus has never stopped giving us all porch perspectives that are surpassed by 600 leaps into the air, where we see it all. It doesn’t matter the issue, His 600 foot plan is always in the works. As an example, when I was a teenager I had my eyes fixed on a certain girl. There was nothing that could convince me that this girl was not perfect. And in many ways she was a very beautiful girl, but I only had a “porch” perspective; I only had a partial view of what God had ahead for me. Years later I would meet Myrna, the 600 foot view God wanted me in regards to a life’s mate. This far surpassed everything I felt and envisioned about other girls. And this was just one of many 600 point perspectives on life, God has planned for me and all those who implicitly trust Him. We just need to enjoy the “porch” for what it is, only the beginning (Hebrews 10:23).
Teachable Moments
As parents you may not be able to afford a parasail ride to demonstrate this lesson of hope and perspective, but it is important to build a biblical outlook that will carry them through their early dating years. These years can greatly prepare them for God’s intended mate, or they can evolve into heart wrenching defeats for both child and parent. Once again I suggest reading “Skills for Adolescence,” by Dennis Rainey. But for the Teachable Moment today, take them to the top of a 2nd story building in your area if possible and ask them to describe what they see. Write down their observations. In a few days, take them to a mountain that oversees not only the city in which they live, but the 2nd story building they observed a few days earlier. Ask them to now observe all that they see. Bring your list with you, ask them if they see things differently. Hopefully, they will say yes, and add a lot to the list or even change it. This is how they need to see the first girl and boy friends they become interested in, only the beginning, only a “porch” view of God’s plan for them in their lives.
God’s Word
Matt. 4:18-19 And when Jesus was walking by the Sea of Galilee, He saw two brothers, Peter, and Andrew, casting a net into the sea; for they were fishermen. And He said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
John 21:15 (3 & 1/2 years later) * So when they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Peter do you love Me more than being a fisherman ? ” He said to Him, “Yes, Lord; You know that I love You.” “Then go and lead my people, they are yours to shepherd”