One of the first of several prophetic dreams Daniel had was when he was young and under the power of King Nebuchadnezzar. In this first dream, God laid out all of the world’s great kingdoms, including the one he was a part of and the one that would precede the second coming of Christ. In preparation to reveal this dream to the King, Daniel spent a lot of time in prayer and with his friends, Shadrack (Hananiah), Meshack (Mishael), and Abednego (Azariah). This paid off because Daniel was able to reveal the dream precisely as God had intended. Afterward, the King was thrilled with Daniel’s interpretation and promoted him and his friends to higher ranks. It might serve you well to consider Daniel’s example by carrying out God’s tasks in your own life. It would help to be bold no matter the opposition, prayerful, and in league with Christian friends who will support you no matter what, friends like Shadrack, Meshack, and Abednego.
Daniel 2:3,16-17,19,25-26,29, 39-40 & 46-49 The king said to them, “I had a dream, and my spirit is anxious to understand the dream.” So Daniel went in and requested of the King that he would give him time to declare the interpretation to the King. So Daniel went to his house and informed his friends, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, about the matter, and after prayer, the mystery was revealed to Daniel in a night vision. Daniel was then brought to the King’s presence and spoke, “As for you, O King, while on your bed, your thoughts turned to what would take place in the future. First, after you, there will arise another kingdom inferior to you, then another third kingdom of bronze, which will rule over all the earth. Then there will be a fourth kingdom as strong as iron; since iron crushes and shatters all things, so, like iron that breaks in pieces, it will crush and break all these in pieces.” Then King Nebuchadnezzar fell on his face and did homage to Daniel, “Surely your God is a God of gods and a revealer of mysteries since you have been able to reveal this mystery.” Afterward, the King promoted Daniel and appointed Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego over the administration of the province of Babylon.