In the last few days (May, 2018) , the US moved its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, which in essence was saying to the whole world that America is not only Israel’s friend but on its side no matter what. Israel, of course, is thrilled with this move because it officially declares a city it always regarded as theirs, theirs. Needless to say, the Palestinians and most of the Arab and Muslim world are angry and upset with this. However, their fury, protests, or even the pressure asserted by their allies won’t make any difference. According to God and the inspired Scriptures Jerusalem has always been ordained to be in the hands of the Jews, especially during the years previous to Christ’s return. Only a few times in history has this great city been relinquished to others, merely to be returned to the Jews as is the case today.
What’s next for Jerusalem now that it is Israel’s officially recognized capital? The answer could be the building of the Temple, which will be completed and worshipped in before the great tribulation comes about. The tribulation is the last 7 years on earth before Christ returns, which will be dominated by continuous wars between nations and the destruction of the environment.
Right now the Temple site is in the Arab quarter of Old Jerusalem. There are two great mosques sitting on this site, one with a gold-like dome. The mosques will have to be destroyed or knocked down for the Temple to be built. There is another possibility though that the Temple can be built on the same site without doing away with the mosques. The specifications outlined in the Bible support such an option. But one way or the other the Temple will be built in the Arab quarter, which possibly means cessation of the Arab quarter in Old Jerusalem.
Can this happen sooner than later? It certainly can happen very soon if the current progression of events continues. Meanwhile, while Jerusalem and the rest of Israel becomes more Jewish and less Arab in power and influence, preparations are actually being made for the Temple.
I know because while in Jerusalem two summers ago, there were three Jewish seminaries in operation to train priests and clergy to carry out Temple worship once the Temple is in place
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. In addition to this, many of the implements (altar of sacrifice, menorah, etc.) that make up a worship service are ready to be put in place once the Temple has been completed. There is also an institute in Old Jerusalem that displays exactly what the Temple will be like, inside and out. In other words, Israel is ready to build their Temple as soon as the time is right, for it’s not just some distant hope. Recognizing Jerusalem as their capital puts this possibility one gigantic step further along.
What can you do about this? Well, I would say go and help them build the Temple when they announce their intentions, except the list to help, has already been filled. Many have already signed up. Then perhaps you can send materials to help build the Temple or money to make it happen. No need, the material has already been purchased, worship implements made, and enough money has already been given.
What else is there to do, then? I suggest you can pray for Israel, go there to visit them, tell them about Christ, and support them if possible with your words and knowledge of the Scriptures. But don’t be too slow about doing any of these things, because once the work begins on the Temple, it will only take 18 months to complete. During this time and the time after, Israel will suffer new levels of persecution and rejection for what they are doing, just as all Christians will for holding to their beliefs and stands for God. It’s a coming, Jerusalem this week and the Temple could be next!
But I (Jesus) say to you, make no oath at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, or by the earth, for it is the footstool of His feet, or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King. Matthew 5:34-45