Visual Aid
Briefcase, medical umbrella, decease bucket of water
The Idea
Satan sets traps to keep you form your goals, view but god protects you form harm.
The Scripture
Hebrews 4:16 “Let us therefore draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and may find grace to help in time of need.”
In the game Spy vs. Spy you must collect three items to win. These items are a key, a briefcase and a bag of money. You collect items by searching in many rooms. The other spy can plant traps to stop you form getting the items you need to win the game. There are also items that disable these traps.
In life your goals are the items needed to win. Satan is the other spy that sets the traps, and God is the one who supplies the items for protection. An example of how god helps you is this; Satan pays a bucket of water on a door, God supplies the umbrella that stops Satan.
When you first start, your goal seems easy, but as you get closer to your goal Satan sets traps to discourage you. If you have God to help you, the traps will be easier to overcome. If you don’t have God, Satan’s traps will stop you
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Jonathan Obest