According to Jesus’ teachings on the end and His ultimate return, sales no one knows the day or hour of His coming, except God the Father. However, Jesus did say that the generation that would witness the end and His return would see ahead of time the season in which it would happen. He put this in parable form, “Now learn the parable from the fig tree: when its branch has already become tender and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near; so, you too, when you see all these things, recognize that I am near to coming, right at the door.” Of course the question begs, what are all these things? Last week we discussed that the biggest one of all was the return of Israel to its homeland for a 3rd and final time
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Even though none of us can predict that day and hour, what would you do if for some reason God allowed you to? Would you move to a safe area in the world to be spared the great loss of life, destruction, and peril of natural disasters that will happen right before Christ returns. Where would you be safe enough? What kind of state of affairs could you set up for yourself to survive?
To be honest, if you really wanted to be safe during this great tribulation, it would not be somewhere in Idaho where I live, but rather in Megiddo, Israel. Megiddo is where Armageddon is to be fought. If you had a home there, at least you would be guaranteed to make it to the end, because that is the location of the end.
A condo in Old Jerusalem would be another possibility, for Christ is to return through the East Gate in Old Jerusalem. You could certainly survive there for sure. I was in Megiddo and Old Jerusalem this last summer, but was not tempted to procure a real estate agent. Although I’d love to be there at the end, particularly to see Christ come through that gate, I felt from Him in the quiet of my devotions while in Israel that He had another purpose for me and other Christians in this last generation. Not so much to try and stay safe, but to share His truth, love, and plan of salvation with others who will be worried and scared out of their minds during this time.
Finally, just as it was a privilege to be one of Christ’s disciples in the first century when the church was being established, so it should be a great privilege to be one of His disciples in this last generation as He closes things out. Don’t you think?
Matthew 24:& 36 34 Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place. 36 “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.